Artist Spotlight: Harry Was Here

Harry Was Here is an American pop singer/songwriter based out of Las Angeles California. He got his start in music by playing and learning the guitar as a kid. This developed into him producing house-type music and creating the pop music you hear today from Harry Was Here. Harry Was Here would describe his sound by fusing emo roots with a more modern hyperpop/hip-hop style. Some of Harry Was Here’s inspirations throughout his amazing career are Drake, My Chemical Romance, Skrillex, Backseat Lovers, and Eden. One of his most popular songs and a personal favorite of mine “Bonnie and Clyde” is the concept of basically going out together(dying) with the person that you love and having their back till the end as Harry Was Here described it “Some Romeo and Juliet type shit I guess”, The song was co-written Dutch Melrose and Harry Was Here, with the actual concept for the song was created by Dutch Melrose who is on the song as well. One of Harry Was Here’s tracks that he has a deeper connection with is “Living Nightmare” which is about being shut off from the success in LA and everyone making you want to quit or at least isolate yourself from the scene according to Harry Was Here. Harry Was Here has most recently released a new single called “The Rose” as well as an EP Called “stuck. run. sink. die. The end.” please go listen to those new tracks and comment on this blog post with your thoughts about them. Harry Was Here would love to shout out his girlfriend Lindsey Oh who has rode with him till the very beginning. 

Link to Harry Was Here’s Music:


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