Artist Spotlight: Aldu

Aldu is a Chilean Rock, Pop, Folk, and Experimental solo artist/songwriter. About 5 years ago Aldu decided to do their own music project after many anecdotes in his life told Aldu to pursue it and his lifelong love of music. The main bands that inspire Aldu to create the type of music that they make are Radiohead and Sparklehorse. Aldu likes to make his sound very simple with acoustic guitars and distorted electric guitars being the main instruments in Aldu’s pieces. Aldu also keeps the melodies simple by adding intensities to give their music emotion. In one of Aldu’s most popular tracks “ El “Artista,” it shows the anger felt that helped Aldu compose the track where Aldu vented his angry emotions with the soft rhythms and Latin instruments used it is a complete contrast to the lyrics. In 2023 Aldu hopes to finish up their album as well as release his first single off of that album. Aldu would like to thank the people that follow his career as well as all of the people that have listened to their music over the last few years Aldu loves you very much.

Link to listen to Aldu's Music: 


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